1937 Official Opening of the New Chief Post Office in Dunedin
Light blue and dark blue cachets.
Have the special postmark.

Bottom cover has been opened at the top.

1937 Official Opening of the New Chief Post Office in Dunedin
Blue and brown cachets.
Have the special postmark.

Excellent condition.

1959  Centenary of Timaru and South Canterbury.
Has the special postmark.

Excellent condition.

1963 First Pony Express Mail, February 1857 Re-enactment, February 1963. Centennial of North Otago cover.
Has a nice full strike special centennial J-Class postmark and also a full strike C-Class postmark from OAMARU on back.

1958 Boy’s Brigade 75th Anniversary cover with special postmark.

1959 South Canterbury Centennial cover Official Stage-Coach Mail Washdyke – Timaru 15th January 1959.
Has the full strike RELIEF postmark from Washdyke.

Excellent condition.